Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chain Reaction*

-In 20 years these parents will be living in a freezer, and the child will be in his 20's rocking in the corner and sucking his thumb in the fetal position.

-The photographer gouged his eyes out after this photoshoot, and has been mumbling nonsense ever since.

-The studio was unable to properly restored after this sitting. It had to be burned to the ground and then rebuilt at another site. Other photographers said it just felt 'creepy' after these people left.

...It's just thoughtless and rude to do this kind of stuff. The consequences are staggering.

*This post was not intended to offend my Disney fanatical sister, Brittany. Also, Britt, your comments are welcome, as I am sure your approval of the piece of work pictured above, will only add more humor to my post.


  1. Wow. Just wow. I'm amazed these people are alowed to procreate.

  2. ok I agree with you, if your gonna do something like that you gotta do it right, and that is so not right! As you know I'm all about the family themed Halloween costumes, and also all about Disney, But it's all about the attitude if your gonna pull that off, where are the big cheesy Disneyland grins??? How could you dress like that and not be gitty?? I don't get this one at all!!!

  3. Yes, I agree. If they had smiled...This would have been a great photo. It was the lack of smiles that made it wierd.

  4. I think you're both nuts. Obviously from the same womb. Ummm- In my opinion NoOne could pull this off. The big cheesy grins would make them look even nuttier. This family pic is full of Pooh.

  5. Jokes on me. After re-reading your comment JD I realize it reeked of sarcasm. Even funnier now. hahahhaha

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What ever you both know I could have pulled off something like that and gotten some way cute photo s out of it, you just have to have what it takes to pull that off!! (However I'll admit I always thaought the costumes with the face cut out was nerdy)
