Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why didn't I think of that!?

I don't know about this whole Iphone and Nintendo Wii craze... But I was afraid of these selling out. So I ordered a dozen for me and my closest friends. I don't know about you guys, but I'm all about "maintaining my dignity". I won't be left behind as this technological advance makes it's way into mainstream restrooms. Anyone interested in purchasing one of these when they sell out, let me know, I'll be selling a few of them at a premium. These can be valuable bartering tools during a recession.

Oh, man, I can't wait till they get here!

(to answer your question before you ask... yes this is real, this isn't a Saturday Night Live skit or anything.... This thing is for real!)


  1. Gross who would want to carry that around in their back pocket???

  2. Great question...I imagine this is something you use at home. When in public, one would sacrifice 'dignity' and resume 'archaic' traditions.

  3. well why didn't they demonstrate it so we could see how it really works????

  4. that was awesome! did you really get some? i am so gulable (cant spell) i bet you didnt but i had to ask. i was totally waiting to see how it worked.

  5. that post above was me heather winters i cant leave you a comment it isnt easy for me it tells me to comment as and has all of these selections to choose from and i dont know what to choose to make it show i commented.

  6. ok gross... i just dry heaved... Does this mean they don't need to wash their hands... because that is just wrong
