Friday, July 31, 2009

Bling or Bang?

The first terrorist car bomb pictured below... After numerous studies, it was discovered that designing the device to look more like a car, than a bomb would be less suspicious.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Great Wall of China...Pshah, that's nothin

Crap, someone already stole my idea!.. Back to the drawing board.

(zoom in on the letter 'C')

View Larger Map

Monday, July 27, 2009


I made a 10 second animated clip during school, to to demonstrate my ability to focus on the same drawing, changing it only slightly, then redraw. Animation typically moves through a series of still images at a rate of about 30 frames per second (29.97 actually). ...That's 300 pictures, for 10 seconds of motion!

Upon completion of that project, I realized, I can't hypnotize myself having to draw the same thing over and over. I still enjoy studying it, and appreciate the whacky people that can handle that level of redundancy. But as for me, I would make a better 'Keyframer' This person makes the major movements and scene changes, then the peasants do the dirty work. The problem is, I could never sit at the bottom long enough to work my way to the top...I would go insane.

So, I decided to do neither, and instead...took my art to a totally different realm. I am often asked what I do for a living... Rarely do I give the same answer as the time before.

I stumbled apon this sweet bit, and instantly realized... Someone in the animation field doesn't like drawing the same thing over and over, just as much as me! I bet none of you even had deja-vu when watching these movies. You probably never thought, "I know I've seen that somewhere before..."

I couldn't find my 10 second clip... But here are a couple that I have done that I had handy:

School project, demonstrating "Walking Motion"
(everyone else did stick figures for this assignment ;)

This was demonstrating a 4-legged run.

Here is a project I did for a client. It was part of a presentation on energy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another Silly Project

An old client of mine, emailed me last night and asked for some pictures of a project I did for him a couple of years ago. It got me reminiscing. I can't believe it has already been 2 years since I did this project. I had some help on this one... I think I recruited half of my followers, all of my brothers, my neighbor and good friend Bart, and others. I think Matt Sands even scuffed his fresh manicure to help me with this 3 month- 24 hours a day project. But it came out pretty good.

The assignment was to make a portable backdrop for the APS Clown Troupe Character, Ben Franklown. The set needed to be portable enough to be packed up and moved from school to school to teach about energy conservation.

Here is the set all packed up:

Friday, July 17, 2009

No Soliciting

It is sad that this resident's first instinct was to make a sign to cure a problem... Instead of deciding to just move.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Modern Technology

In the old days, only wealthy and famous people had mobile phones...

Like Alfred Hitchcock.

And the same went for iPods...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I've been having more back pain than usual lately, and my schedule doesn't allow for as frequent trips to the chiropractor as I would like.
I'm leaning toward purchasing an inversion table...

I thing that a device like that would straighten out my CKH disorder (Chronic Keyboard-Hunchback) pretty well.

These are some other home equipment options I am considering, If anyone has experience with any of these products, please leave a review in the comments to help with my decision making:

(I am pretty sure my mother-in-law has purchased every one of these through QVC at some point, so I am most excited to hear her opinion)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


One of my latest liesurley activities includes adding mustaches to people in my new iPhone app...Stachetastic:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Quick Fix for Toothaches

Here is a method to cure the pain from toothaches in 1885.

A revival to reinstate this medication occurred in 1985.

Although instead of in the form of 'drops' it was a powder, and instead of eating it, you would snort it...

Oh, and instead of helping cure toothaches, it would turn you into David Bowie.