Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Perfecter...

Before there were Snuggie's... there was the Suffocatie. The flaw in the design was that they had to be nitted in place. Therfore you could not get out of the Suffocatie when you wanted to. The test subject pictured here, successfully emerged from this Suffocatie 3 days later as butterfly.

Before we had cell phones we had what was called a 'Phone Booth'. These tiny rooms offered little privacy and were often mistaken for toilets. The little boy in this picture (Martin Cooper) took matters into his own hands many years later and did away with phone booths. It was later discovered, that people didn't need a small room for 'privacy' while on the phone, and that they could quite comfortably carry a conversation with an invisible probe in their ear.

Ironically, they appear as though they are having conversations with themselves... Much like the individuals that used to live in or near phone booths downtown.

Before MySpace and Facebook, we would have conversations face to face. Instead of through a slow series of sentences in multiple conversations at once. By only being recognizable as a headshot or profile picture... We as a society decided that 'virtually' it only matters what's going on from the neck up. Everything else...Just doesn't matter.

This is a picture of Brad Pitt and Hugh Jackman at a spa in L.A. ...If they didn't have the hair dryers on their head, you would recognize them from their MySpace page.


  1. John Devere, you never disappoint! & that suffocatie actually looks tempting!

    BTW, can I feature the blog in a post & grab you some more followers?

  2. Absolutely, this blog serves a different purpose than our family one. The more the merrier!

  3. HOLY CRAP! THERON had a tiedye shirt just like Brad and Hugh! Crazy. I will try to find it and get back to you. :)

  4. *a photo of it, that is..we did not keep it close as we should have. silly us.

  5. oh snap...i feel like i should put a disclaimer on my profile pic.

  6. I know Nik, right? I'm thinking who cares about exercise...let's just work on this neck thing.

    Loving 'More perfecter' that bad grammar is right up my alley.
